European cultural tourism
Cultural tourism as a sector needs to become more adaptive to the new tendencies of tourists looking for authentic cultural experiences. The sector must develop and promote local traditions, protect the patrimony, the individual local places and culture.
With this broader approach in mind, we are now contributing to the rise of brand new “creative mediators.”
Technology for Cultural Tourism
“Live interpretations” in this project are a series of theatrically guided tours with young actors who, in historical dresses, tell about the principal historical and artistic points of interest of the European cities involved. All of this is connected through an online platform with information materials on the contents produced and a mobile phone APP with Augmented Reality creating an analogic map/game to use in real-time, which guides the audience through the discovery of each place on the tourwith videoanimations.

Contact with US
Youth Drama, Media & Storytelling for Developing Cultural Heritage and Tourism (YDMS)
YDMS Official App
Explore more about the project by downloading the official YDMS app here:

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This website reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein.