Leader: Crossing Borders, CB, Denmark

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Crossing Borders provides impartial dialogue space and empowering skills training for youth, media and educators to participate actively in the present and future development of the society. It provides young people and educators with knowledge about diversity and globalization along with the tools to create dialogue between different cultures and different viewpoints. All of our concepts, methods and programs are inspired by the Folk High School movement of Denmark and its spirit of equality, peaceful co-existence and dialogue.

The key message is that democracy and peace is only achieved and sustained through ongoing dialogue. CB activities comprise various programmes: Global School Services for high and primary schools in Denmark; Global Studies course at Krogerup Hojskole; International projects; Volunteer programme; Teacher conferences; Events like “Spisdating,” which involves eating together and sharing stories; and publication of educational materials.

Crossing Borders started as a project in 1999 in Denmark in support of meaningful dialogue between the conflict parties in the Middle East. In response to increased activities and demands for the CB concept and services, it was transformed, in 2004, into a dynamic organisation with activities in Denmark and abroad. The mission of CB is to create a dialogue space and to build the capacity of youth, media workers and educators to realise a world in peace with itself in which diversity is celebrated.

The overall goal is to enable people with different backgrounds to learn to live together on equal terms. CB aims to see as many young people and educators as possible cross as many personal, cultural, geographic, professional and generational borders as possible, as often as possible, and always on equal terms. CB’s vision resonates with the concept of the free movement of ideas and people across the globe in equality.

The organisation therefore wants to: facilitate the crossing of borders in order to exchange ideas and to enable people to share their best ideas and best practices and promote globalized respect, good ideas and human rights, ultimately encouraging more peaceful co-existence.
